Bakery Closure Schedule

Hello dear friends of Tinder Hearth!

Over here in West Brooksville right now the hearthfires are hot, the snow is blowing, the neighborhood kids are scrapping together a hockey game on bumpy subzero pond ice, and our hearts go out to all the embers of hope and beauty you each are tending with your tenacious care. Thank you. We love you all.

The winter in the barn has been incredible thus far—thank you for coming to be with us in your celebrations, in your grief, in the everyday togetherness that we all need. We are so utterly grateful to get to hold this this space with you all, and share our bright love of this wondrous food and community.

This year we have decided to close the bakery for a longer chunk of winter than we have in the past. This was a difficult decision to make, because, obviously, being here with you in the barn is one of our greatest loves. But our books and bodies and buildings could use a little more rest and maintenance this time of year—as I know all you local buddies deeply understand—so we have decided to take a little bit more time this season.

Here are the details, and I am sorry if this sounds complicated… it’s not, particularly, but bear with me here:

Tinder Hearth in Brooksville will be CLOSED for six weeks: February 16th-March 31st.

The bread and pastry WILL be available out at the stores for the month of March, during the closure.

Tinder Hearth will REOPEN ON APRIL 2ND.

What does this mean? Let me break it down, in calendar order, for those of you wanting details:

1) No bread, no pizza, no cafe, no pastries, anywhere, for two weeks: Feb 16 to Mar 1st.

2) Starting on March 5th, Tinder Hearth will start producing BREAD AND PASTRY ONLY. NO PIZZA, NO COFFEE, NO BRUNCH, NO BARN :( We will be running operations with a very small, pared-down team, focused on wholesale bakery production, and will not have anyone staffing the counter here in the barn.

3) For the month of March bread and pastry will be available for sale, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at the stores that carry Tinder Hearth (in Deer Isle, Sargentville, Blue Hill, Ellsworth, Brewer and Bangor!), as well as through FarmDrop, and here in the bakery via PREORDER ONLY. So if you want to pick up your bread at the bakery, you will need to order online in advance via our preorder site. We will not have a shelf of bread for walk-in sale here at the bakery.

4) The barn will reopen with the familiar wintertime Wednesday & Saturday bakery cafe, and Friday night pizza, on April 2nd, for a final couple of months of big brunches and extra fun barn pizza nights before we launch into summer 2025!!

Does that make sense? Let’s go over it one more time:: we will be closed here at the bakery for 6 weeks starting Feb 16th, reopening on April 2nd. But you will still be able to track down the bread and pastry during March out at the stores. Yeah? Yeah!

But before all that! Come see the band at the Blue Hill Library this Saturday evening for the Groundhog Day Ball :) And we ARE open until mid Feb, so come soon to visit on a Wednesday morning when the cafe is chillllll, or give us a call if you want pizza and can’t book a res online—we can usually fit anyone in this time of year! And the brunch menus are beyond reasonable, so get over here on a Saturday morning!!!

With all blessings for your massive hearts, your clarity of vision, your kith&kin, your animals and gardens— we love you—

Lydia, with Tim and this amazing team <3

image by Scott Handley


Menus week of February 3rd


Menus week of January 27th